Anamnesis questionnaire (Download)
Safe time by filling out our anamnesis questionnaire at home. You can download anamnesis questionnaire in German and English. Simply download the pdf, print it and fill it out.

Quality Management
Our practice complies with the quality management department of the Bayerische Landeszahnärztekammer (BLZK) (= Bavarian Regional Dental Association) and cooperates closely with the Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Bayern (KZVB) (= Bavarian Regional Dental Authority).
In participating in the QM system of the Bavarian Regional Dental Association and Bavarian Regional Dental Authority, incorporating the terms of reference of the legislator, our dental clinic also fulfils the requisites of Social Security Code V for an in-house QM system.
You, the patient and we, the clinic, benefit here. Reviewing of and, if needed, improvement to in-house QM procedures ensure that administrative and financial workloads are kept to a minimum.