
We are happy to place you on our Recall system (automatic reminder service).
We can remind you of future appointments by fax, by email or by post card, so that you can keep your dental health up-to-date and identify any possible defects early on.
Dental imaging
We use leading-edge imaging methods for diagnosis and therapy to provide you with a comprehensive service.
Using 3D intraoral scans, we can create an STL dataset. Our DVT / 3D X-ray generates a DICOM (Digital Imaging on Communication in Medicine) data set, which we can use to discuss planning precisely in advance. In addition, we have the possibility to produce planning models and navigation templates for implantology using the 3D printing process.
Our clinic chairs are equipped with the latest intra-oral cameras using LED technology.
We can detect and clearly display items such as caries, gum pockets, fractured and carious fillings or defective crown edges even faster and more precisely.
Using this technology means greater transparency for you in diagnosis and identifying treatment schedules.
During lengthy clinic sessions we play light music or screen movies via our monitors.